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来源:http://www.jnyuqilin.com/  发布时间:2024-05-16 17:29:30


Many people install rolling shutter doors in garages and shops. Rolling shutter doors may occasionally malfunction during use. So, what are some tips for recovering rolling shutter doors from malfunction? Next, the editor will briefly introduce it to everyone.


1. Motor malfunction



The roller shutter door has been used for a long time, and the motor works for a long time, causing overheating protection and resulting in the failure of the roller shutter door to operate. We can stop the operation and wait for a few minutes for the motor temperature to drop before opening and closing the roller shutter door. If the motor is burned out, we can ask professionals to replace the damaged motor. 2. Remote control malfunction



The malfunction of the roller shutter door may also be due to the remote control battery running out of power, or the presence of dust inside the remote control causing poor contact with its buttons. We can replace the battery of the remote control or we can disassemble the remote control and use products such as a hair dryer to blow away the dust inside. 3. Chain malfunction



If the chain and other parts of the roller shutter door are not regularly maintained, it is easy to have the problem of the roller shutter door card owner malfunctioning. You can drip lubricant into moving parts such as the roller shutter door chain. If the roller shutter door chain rusts or breaks, everyone can replace the chain.


4. Line fault


The most important point is to check whether the circuit supplying power to the electric roller shutter door is normal.


  How to maintain and maintain rolling shutter doors


In daily life, we need to regularly clean and maintain the roller shutter door. For example, we can use a wrung out cloth to wipe off the dust on the door curtain, regularly lubricate the moving parts such as the roller shutter door chain, and replace the aging roller shutter door components in a timely manner. When using a rolling shutter door, do not place items under the door curtain, and no one should walk under the rolling shutter door during the opening and closing process.

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The above is an introduction to Jinan Garage Doors. To learn more, please click: http://www.jnyuqilin.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!