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来源:http://www.jnyuqilin.com/  发布时间:2023-04-08 14:09:10

Electric roller shutter doors are a common door and window device widely used in commercial, industrial, residential and other fields. The following are some matters related to the installation and maintenance of electric roller shutter doors explained by the manufacturer in Jinan:
Preparation before installation: Before installing the electric roller shutter door, on-site survey and design are required to determine the size, model, and installation position of the door. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools and materials, such as screwdrivers, electric drills, screws, sealant, etc.
Installation process: When installing the electric roller shutter door, it is necessary to follow the installation instructions to ensure that the door is installed correctly. Attention should be paid to the balance and levelness of the door, as well as the installation and wiring of the motor and control system.
Maintenance: Electric roller shutter doors require regular maintenance to ensure their normal operation and extend their service life. It is necessary to regularly clean the door body and track, check the operation of the motor and control system, and replace damaged components in a timely manner.
Safety precautions: When installing and repairing electric roller shutter doors, it is necessary to pay attention to safety, wear safety equipment, and avoid electric shock, falling, and other safety accidents.
During the installation process, it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the circuit, standardize the operation, and install the roller shutter door.
When using roller shutter doors, we should pay attention that the track and suspension wheel of the roller shutter door cannot be oiled, otherwise the rollers on the suspension bracket may slide, causing the door to collide.
The derailment and decoupling of the electric roller shutter door may also be due to wiring issues. It is possible that a certain line in the control circuit is not properly connected, or it may be due to a broken line during transportation. Priority should be given to checking and eliminating circuit problems before checking other items, such as checking whether the motor lead and relay plug have fallen off due to vibration, causing a malfunction.
In short, the installation and maintenance of electric roller shutter doors require professional technology and experience, and it is necessary to strictly follow the installation instructions and operating procedures to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the door. If you have any needs, come to our website www.jnyuqilin.com for consultation and understanding!